Cryptocurrency, particularly Bitcoin, has proved to be a viable means of protecting an individual's wealth. This has become increasingly relevant in recent months with the U.S. government maintaining an aggressive stance against crypto. Despite the pressure, Bitcoin remains impervious and successive administrations are unable to control it with the same ease that they can the traditional banking system.

Historically, banks have had the ability to make decisions with customers' money, seriously diluting its purchasing power, with no individual recourse. Furthermore, the banks have accumulated a great amount of debt and have become "too big to fail", as if any of them fail, it could result in devastating consequence for the average person.

Given this distressful situation, the U.S. has had no choice but to take a hard stance on crypto, in an effort to keep individuals within the banking system. By labelling crypto markets as full of fraud and crimes such as drug money and terrorism, the government is trying to limit access to these markets in order to keep citizens 'corralled in'. However, although fraud is an issue in any financial system, it is largely untrue that drugs and terrorism are able to circumvent such easily.

Bitcoin, due to its attributes, is a safe haven that individuals are wise to adopt if they want to keep hold of their wealth. It remains independent from government or central control and is therefore not subject to manipulation. In addition, Bitcoin acts as a hedge against the failing banking system, allowing individuals to be liberated from debt and dilution of their assets.

Whilst the U.S. government is making moves in an attempt to protect their currency, it is also infringing on the fundamental principle of freedom enshrined in their constitution. It is the hope of many that this will only be a temporary situation and that soon enough, enough brave politicians will step forward to ensure that the land of the free remains so. In the meantime, Bitcoin continues to provide many individuals with a viable option of protecting their wealth.

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