Coinbase Ventures has recently joined the Oracle DAO of Rocket Pool, a liquid staking protocol, in order to receive dividends from the 15% of the total RPL inflation. RPL, the token for Rocket Pool's process, has seen minimal variations in April, currently trading at around $44 per CoinGecko. Additionally, rETH, another asset from the project, delivers staking revenue in exchange for a premium on Uniswap.

Coinbase Ventures previously had made an investment to Rocket Pool in 2021, showing their belief in the potential of staking protocols. This movement comes at an interesting time, with Ethereum set to activate the Shanghai hard fork on April 12 and launch the possibility to withdraw ether finally.

The Oracle DAO is a group of node operators with the mission of performing extra duties required by the protocol. A Rocket Pool member has expressed interest in having more non-U.S based members in the group, as currently 8 out of 18 members are of American origin.

Liquid staking protocols are becoming more popular as the DeFi sector grows. The concept is based on the reward pooling of network nodes, an interesting design that incentivizes participation and a potential source of passive income for protocol developers and users. Rocket Pool is a reliable example of experimentation within DeFi that looks for a trustless staking system without sacrificing user experience. Coinbase Ventures recent support for the project is a strong sign of the protocol's potential.

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