Binance recently announced the news that rewards are now available for swapping JOE/USDT on Liquid Swap, the decentralized automated market maker (AMM) on Binance Smart Chain. According to Binance, the JOE/USDT liquidity pool opening will not just enable traders to provide liquidity and earn rewards, but also provides an efficient way to purchase and liquidate JOE assets.

Cryptocurrency exchange platform, Binance, has recently launched rewards for swapping JOE/USDT on Liquid Swap, its decentralized automated market maker (AMM) on Binance Smart Chain. This liquidity pool opening not only allows traders to provide liquidity and receive rewards but also provides users with an efficient way to purchase and liquidate JOE assets.

Through Liquid Swap, traders can access user-friendly but powerful and open financial product, such as yield products, synthetic assets, and various liquidity mining strategies. This liquidity mining will use BNB as the reward in the liquidity pool, encouraging users to provide trading volume and preventing impermanent loss.

In order to prevent potential farming or gaming, these features have been introduced. Firstly, the provisions of liquidity and rewards will be prorated. This will put a limit on the personal incentive one can receive in a given time frame. Secondly, there will be a capping and cooldown period on rewards, and every additional 50,000 USDT liquidity will be released after a period of 12 hours. Rewards will cease to exist once the total liquidity reaches the cap.

The Liquid Swap provides users with an easy and support way for liquidity mining, as traders do not need to worry about technical configurations thanks to a one-click registration feature. Users are also able to check their rewards, asset pools and liquidity in real-time through the Liquid Swap dashboard. Binance has also subsidized the Liquid Swaps’ Maker Fee in order to reduce the initial cost of providing liquidity.

This new addition to the Binance Smart Chain is sure to benefit a large range of traders and investors, allowing them to access rewarding, yet also secure and user-friendly products. The large-scale launch of JOE/USDT liquidity pool and subsequent rewards serves as a great example of Binance's commitment to leading the development of cryptocurrency and blockchain industry. Along with other innovative features, the Liquid Swap can offer users the flexibility and convenience they need.

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