Astar Network, a multichain decentralised application (DApp) protocol, recently announced of its plans to launch the second iteration of its smart contracts that supports both Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and WebAssembly Virtual Machine (WASM VM) on its mainnet on April 6. This development speaks to how tech firms are pushing the limits of blockchain technology to create a more versatile environment.

The significance of this launch lies in the fact that Astar projects can now be connected to any Polkadot or EVM-based ecosystems, allowing its users to create WASM or EVM projects within the Astar Network. This significantly expands the capabilities of the network, allowing the creation of layer-1 blockchains that can interact with the two virtual machines simultaneously.

The launch of this update comes in the wake of other blockchain innovators pushing the envelope of blockchain technology. Ethereum layer-2 scaling solution Polygon recently released its zkEVM beta to its mainnet, allowing developers to deploy smart contracts at lower costs.

To mark Astar Network's launch, the firm has invited community members to tune into a panel discussion led by its executives and various Polkadot developers to discuss the practical applications of WASM. Additionally, the company will meet with infrastructure partners for the creation of the WASM environment.

The well-known blockchain platform, Polkadot, has also recently clarified that the Polkadot (DOT) token is not a security. This position still stands, even with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) having expressed its keenness to have talks with the company.

The Astar Network's launch is indicative of the increasing utility of blockchain technology; an era where the limits of decentralised applications (DApps) are being thought of and implemented. It is clear that the industry is not just working towards the mainstream acceptance of blockchain, but towards the building of a suite of applications that provides solid infrastructure for the continuous advancement of blockchain.

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