The Arbitrum Foundation announced late Sunday that they will split a controversial governance package into a series of individual votes, responding to overwhelming backlash from the community of token holders after they had complained about the Foundation's conduct. Earlier, the Foundation had attempted to bring the votes on a proposal to a 'ratification' stage, Despite the package already being implemented.

The proposed package components specifically concerning the 750 million in governance tokens held by the Arbitrum Foundation will require them to release "transparency reports" to track usage of these assets. Eli_Defi, the Community Lead for the project's Discord server, made an announcement during the public discussion, citing the DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) for the advice to divide the AIP (Arbitrum Improvement Proposal) into separate parts.

The vocal discontent from community members was bolstered by conversations in social media forums, where debates over the propriety and integrity of the Arbitrum Foundation and the project at large were pronounced. One Twitter user, jammys1, directly mesised Eli_Defi, asking the Foundation to scrap the vote and seek an updated proposal in line with community feedback.

Eli_Defi relayed the feedback to the Foundation, which eventually made the determination to abandon the vote at the 'ratification' stage and, in turn, divide the AIP into a range of more targeted votes. This sharp reaction was not the first time the Arbitrum Foundation has responded to community demands, which weren't previously taken into account.

The article concludes with the declaration that this is a developing story and will be updated, perhaps signaling the start of a path of increased transparency, accountability, and better communication between the Foundation and the public.

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