EOS, the Layer 1 dApp platform, is anticipated to launch its EVM this April. This launch was discussed in an Altcoin Daily video, ranging from its 2023 comeback story, its scalability, ICO, EOS’s settlement with the U.S. SEC, and the launch of EVM compatibility. EOS is designed to prioritize dApp performance via faster transactions and lower gas fees, while allowing developers to use C++, Java and Python to build applications. The company behind the platform, Block.one, held the record for the largest ICO by selling one billion EOS tokens in a span of one year, raising over $4 billion in funds. In one conference, Rhett Pool, one of the new EOS leaders, admits the failure of Block.one to deliver on its promised $1 billion in venture capital fund. The community then assessed the unstaking contract that was set by Block.one, deciding to discontinue it and leave the software without maintenance. This led them to fork the software, naming it Antelope and updating it while eliminating 2600 bugs. Furthermore, the original software developers who were working under Block.one were reinstated with the vision of restoring their mission. At the end of their video, Altcoin Daily stated that on April 14, EOS will be compatible with Ethereum by upgrading its EVM feature.

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