Cryptocurrency has been garnering great attention for the past decade amongst tech enthusiasts and the investment world alike, with Bitcoin, one of the more popular cryptographic tokens, able to hold its own in the value department for the past few years. It's no wonder then, that United States Space Force Major Jason Lowery has written a thesis discussing Bitcoin as a military-grade way to secure data as a part of his Masters degree from the renowned Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Titled "Softwar: A Novel Theory on Power Projection and the National Strategic Significance of Bitcoin", the paper argues that cryptocurrencies have potential to play a major role on the world’s geopolitical stage since it is superior to regular monetary use. The US Department of Defense sponsored the Major’s 6-month fellowship at MIT, and the paper has become an Amazon best-seller.

From the 350 plus pages of the paper, Lowery claims that he “Power Projection Theory” is based on a proof-of-work system used to verify Bitcoin transactions. The thesis postulates Bitcoin can be used in a non-lethal way to restrict the actions of bad actors through the extensive amount of work required to process the cryptographic calculations used by the Bitcoin system.

Lowrey also states that a "highly influential nation" such as the United States is in danger of a national security risk if it does not stockpile strategic Bitcoin reserves, or even promote its adoption. He also acknowledges contributions from notable Bitcoin proponents such as MicroStrategy's Michael Saylor and podcast host Peter McCormack.

The book is garnering a lot of attention with a majority of the 200+ reviews giving it a five-star rating. However, some reviews criticize Lowrey for citing the movie "The Matrix" in the book and wished that he used more factual information. The author also discloses in the book that it has not been endorsed by the DoD, Air Force, or MIT.

It is clear that with his thesis, Major Jason Lowery has stirred a lot of interest towards cryptocurrencies and its potential use in the military arena. It will be interesting to see if the efforts of the U.S. Space Force member will gain more traction and attention for the technology that already seen a lot of success in finance.

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