BitKeep, a Web3 multi-chain wallet, announced an upgrade of its brand on April 3 to Bitget Wallet, since then, its user base has significantly increased with over 10 million worldwide users. Additionally, the total number of users of its on-chain transaction feature, BitKeep Swap, recently exceeded 1 million, and the total transaction value has been recorded over $8 billion USD.

The main purpose of the brand upgrade was to change the product positioning from “discovering popular assets” to “faster transactions, better assets,” which would serve the betterment on-chain transaction needs of its Web3 users. As part of the transition, the previously anonymous CEO Kevin Como has now stepped down, and Karry Cheung, current chief product officer, has been promoted to CEO.

Enturing its success on the secure and dependable tool for managing digital assets, BitKeep’s strong focus was on providing the maximum user security. It takes great deal of effort and hours of developers, security professionals, and coders to make sure that the platform is secure and users’ funds are safe. The platform utilizes cutting-edge technologies such as multi-factor authentication, cold storage, and encryption to ensure data protection and a secure ecosystem.

In short, the upgrade of BitKeep to Bitget Wallet and its 10 million user success is the result of their strong commitment and dedication to providing users with a secure, reliable and dependable tool for managing digital assets. With this upgrade, they’re well-positioned to become a great tool in the Web3 industry.

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