Famed crypto entrepreneur Charles Hoskinson and IO's President Tamara Hassan had recently held an Ask Me Anything (AMA) session to answer questions coming from viewers. While addressing to one of the viewers' questions regarding Craig Wright's stance on cryptocurrency, Hoskinson stated that Wright likely thought that everyone was a scammer. This comment was further remarked on by a podcaster in a tweet and Hoskinson replied that he didn't care.

Moving further to the conversation, Hoskinson went on to explain that the best case scenario of the situation would be no one caring and worst case being Wright suing him. Providing a visual metaphor, Hoskinson likened this situation to being in a fight with molten tar, noting that even if one wins, the tar never comes off. The podcaster also suggested that a discussion between Hoskinson and Vitalik Buterin would be very interesting as well as productive.

Furthermore, Hassan also threw in her thoughts on the situation, stating that it does not add any value to the people who are watching. As both Hassan and Hoskinson reinforced the key takeaway that people should rather focus on topics that have more value, the guests also made a major announcement on the launch of a new decentralized exchange that will include several popular DeFi protocols. This will provide users will a seamless experience when it comes to trading, lending, and borrowing.

Overall, the conversation between Hoskinson and Hassan and the answers to the questions coming from viewers provided an insightful view wherein the two talked about an array of topics involving cryptocurrency, governance, and potential collaborations.

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