A study published by global accounting firm KPMG has revealed that more people are trusting in artificial intelligence (A.I.) technology and actively taking part in its uses, particularly in emerging countries like the BRICS bloc. According to the research, India topped the list with 75% of the population expressing strong trust in A.I., followed by the other countries in the bloc—Brazil, China, and South Africa—at 58%, 54%, and 52% respectively.

Conversely, developed countries were more skeptical. Japan and Finland had the lowest trust in A.I. systems, with only 23% of the population expressing strong acceptance. Even in the United States, where 40% of people reported having trust in A.I., only 24% admitted being ready to use the technology.

The survey involved 17,000 people from 17 countries and included questions about the use and acceptance of A.I. in various areas of the workplace, such as medicine, finance and human resources. The data collected was complemented with the knowledge of the respondents, who claimed to have some degree of familiarity with the technology—with South Korea (98%), China (96%), Finland (95%), and Singapore (94%) topping the list.

The insights from the survey also proposed some precautions. The professional field with the least trust in A.I. technologies was human resources, with only 36% of the population being willing to accept its use. This reflects the growing concerns about the effects an overly accelerated A.I. training cycle could have –without proper control measures–, a fear evidenced by prominent industry figures like Elon Musk and Steve Wozniak in a letter calling for a pause in the training of A.I. models more powerful than GPT-4.

Therefore, the study from KPMG reflects the sentiment of optimism among people regarding the potential of artificial intelligence. However, it also serves as a reminder of the inherent risks associated with the technology, encouraging users to consider both the opportunities provided by A.I., as well as its potential downfalls.

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