Polkadot (DOT) is one of the key players in the world of cryptocurrency, and this week the coin is set to experience a major price breakout. This is due to the announcement on the proof-of-stake (PoS) protocol that Moonsama has won the spot as the 42nd parachain on Polkadot, which will introduce a range of new non-fungible token (NFT) applications to the overall ecosystem.

Moonsama is a start-up that focuses on unlocking the potential of NFTs as true elements of utility in the Web3 space. The company will be facilitating native assets and collections on the Moonsama Network, along with cross-chain messaging and integration with their Multiverse Portal.

Parachain auctions have been popular in the cryptocurrency world, with several chains such as Astar Network and Moonbeam launching on Polkadotomy. This not only broadens the possible use cases for the parent blockchain network, but also expands Polkadot's technological advancement. Furthermore, the choice of Moonsama to bring NFT innovation may showcase the diversity of a fully functioning Web3.0 ecosystem.

The DOT token is the representative digital currency of Polkadot, and any progress made by individual projects will help to positively boost the overall accumulation of the currency. Currently, DOT is facing a slight loss of 0.34% over 24 hours at $6.34. Despite this, the token is seeing a rising of 5% in the past seven days.

The addition of the Moonsama parachain is set to give a further boost to Polkadot's investors. What's more, the fact that the new parachain is also EVM-compatible is likely to be popular among cryptocurrency supporters. This could signal that the Moonsama sentiment may soon be seen in a visible upturn in price.

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