Community Rules

At CandleFocus, we strive to create a welcoming and inclusive community where users can share their thoughts and opinions, learn from one another, and engage in meaningful discussions. To promote this environment, we have established a set of community rules that all users must abide by.

Our goal is to provide a space where everyone can feel comfortable and safe expressing their ideas without fear of spam, abuse, or promotional messages. We believe that by fostering a respectful and productive community, we can create a valuable resource for everyone to learn and grow.

However, we also recognize that there may be instances where users violate our community rules. In such cases, we will take appropriate action to address the issue. This may include deleting offending messages, temporarily or permanently suspending accounts, or other measures as deemed necessary.

At CandleFocus, we believe in fostering a safe and inclusive community where all users can share their thoughts and opinions without fear of violence, harassment, or discrimination. To achieve this goal, we have established a set of community rules that all users must abide by.

Bots; No users should try to use automated services to post spam messages or images, or to try to repeatedly attack our system with the intent of crashing the service. This not only disrupts the platform but also puts the security of our users at risk.

Harassment; Any form of harassment, including but not limited to, harassment based on sex, race, gender identification, age, occupation, religion, national origins, disability, marital status, crypto beliefs or political beliefs, is strictly prohibited on the CandleFocus platform. Additionally, any unwanted sexual advances, sharing of adult media, sexual discussion or solicitation of sexual acts, also falls under the category of harassment and is prohibited.

Illegal; Any illegal activities should not be conducted on the CandleFocus platform. No users should post information about selling or buying any illegal goods or services, or reveal any unlawful actions. We do not condone any illegal activities and will take necessary actions to ensure that our platform remains legal and compliant.

Insults; We believe in fostering a respectful community where users can express their opinions without fear of being insulted or bullied. Users are prohibited from posting any language or images that are intended to insult or target specific individuals or groups of users.

Manipulation; Many users on CandleFocus often seek investment ideas, so it’s important to provide accurate and real information on the platform. No user should manipulate or provide incorrect information to other users, spread rumors about a particular project or coin, or use community power to cheerlead or bash any project and try to drive the opinion of a certain coin or project. Users shall not create multiple accounts to post similar messages or opinions either. We believe in providing a fair and level playing field for everyone, and this includes not allowing any form of manipulation on our platform.

Promotional Messages; We understand that many of our community members are involved in cryptocurrency or blockchain businesses and may wish to introduce new services or highlight their products to other users. While we encourage you to share your ideas, product knowledge, and new technology, we ask that you refrain from posting direct messages regarding discounts or sales on our platform. CandleFocus reserves the right to review or delete any promotional posts that we believe may be inappropriate for our community users.

Personal Information; It's important to protect everyone's personal information, including yours! If you accidentally or purposely post your emails, wallet addresses, or phone numbers on the community space, we have the obligation to remove it from public views. So please be careful and protect yourself!

Plagiarism; We love to see users sharing information, but it's important that we respect the intellectual property of others. If any user wants to share opinions or articles that were written by other parties or authors, please make sure you state clearly where the sources came from. Please do not directly copy and paste other people’s intellectual property on our platform without proper citations.

Spams; To ensure that everyone on our platform has a comfortable space to view different ideas and find insights, we ask that you do not repeatedly post similar messages on one board or multiple boards. This not only clogs up the conversation but also prevents other users from sharing their thoughts and ideas.

Scams; Fraudulent acts or messages are not tolerated on the CandleFocus platform. If any user posts messages or images that indicate potentially fraudulent activities, CandleFocus reserves the right to delete the message or ban the user from our community features. We want to provide a safe and secure environment for our users, and this includes protecting them from potential scams.

Violence; Users are prohibited from making any threats, whether direct or indirect, against other users or groups of users. This includes, but is not limited to, threats of physical harm, death, or sexual assault, as well as encouraging others to engage in such actions. Additionally, wishing harm upon others is also prohibited.

Vulgarity; We understand that different cultures and communities may have different standards of what is considered vulgar or inappropriate language, but we will not tolerate any form of vulgarity on our platform. This includes, but is not limited to, profanity, hate speech, and graphic imagery.

In summary, the CandleFocus community is a place for all of us to come together and share our knowledge, ideas and thoughts on cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. By following these guidelines, we can ensure that our platform remains a safe, secure and enjoyable space for everyone. We strive to create a community where all users can feel safe and respected. We encourage open and productive discussions, but we expect all users to abide by these community rules. Violation of these rules may result in the deletion of messages, temporary or permanent suspension of accounts, or other measures as deemed necessary. We ask all users to be respectful of one another and to contribute to a positive community environment. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to the CandleFocus team.