Charles Hoskinson, the co-founder of the Cardano blockchain platform, recently posted a tweet remarking how "special" the platform is. He asserted that Cardano had made an excellent staking protocol with a graph to show the number of wallets participating in it. Furthermore, the official page of the Cardano platform provides an overview of its staking pool system which can come in two forms - public stake pools which reward other users, and private stake pools which reward to the owners only. The Twitter post generated a huge response from the community, with one popular user offering his own opinion about the platform's status. Even though some community members also critiqued Hoskinson for his comparisons of Cardano to Ethereum, the platform still holds support from many.

In a nutshell, Cardano undoubtedly has achieved something great with its staking protocol and its recognition from many users reflects its success. It remains to be seen what the future holds for Cardano's ever-growing platform.

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