Last month was a prosperous one for crypto markets. Despite the high level of uncertainty caused by the U.S. banking crisis, the crypto industry still made considerable progress. Bitcoin miner revenue grew by 20.5%, while ETH staker revenue increased by 19.4%. Notably, Binance still maintained approximately 78.1% market share even in light of its severe insider trading scandal. The adjusted on-chain volume of stablecoins also rose 47.5% to $823.2 billion, with Tether’s USDT market share increasing to 64.1%. The Ethereum blockchain also had a successful month, as transaction volume in the Blur marketplace dwarfed that of OpenSea. Additionally, the Shanghai-Capella mainnet upgrade to be implemented in April will allow for staked ETH withdrawals. All in all, last month was a strong one for crypto, as the industry made strides towards becoming more useful and user-friendly.

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