US Senator Eric Brakey has invited attorney John Deaton to testify at the first-ever public hearing on cryptocurrency in Maine State Legislation tomorrow. Senator Brakey put out a public call on Twitter seeking out industry stakeholders with relevant expertise to participate in the hearing. In response, an XRP enthusiast recommended Deaton, citing his efforts in filing an amicus brief for over 77,000 XRP holders in the Ripple vs. SEC case. Senator Brakey thanked the community for their responses and officially issued an invitation to Deaton. If the CryptoLaw founder accepts the invitation, it could be instrumental in bringing favorable regulations to the US crypto industry.

John Deaton is a tech journalist and an attorney specializing in the crypto space. His Twitter bio reads that he is an enthusiast of Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP and blockchain technologies. He is known for his efforts in the Ripple vs. SEC lawsuit, specifically safeguarding the interests of XRP holders. Last year, Deaton filed an amicus brief on behalf of more than 77,000 holders, aiming to ensure that secondary market sales of XRP do not get classified as securities. He was also involved in a lawsuit between open source content distribution company LBRY and the SEC. With Deaton's help, the Judge was able to clarify that the sale of LBRY Credits (LBC) is not a security.

If Deaton participates in the hearing, it will be the first-ever public hearing on cryptocurrency in Maine State. The bill, L.D. 990, is developed in the style of Wyoming laws and advanced by two digital pioneers- Custodia Bank founder Caitlin Long and Tyler Lindholm, the state director for AFP Wyoming. It aims to authorize Maine State financial institutions to accept cryptocurrency deposits and if passed, it could open up an encouraging prospect for the US crypto industry. Therefore, Deaton's presence in the hearing could be a huge step forward towards favorable crypto regulations in the US.

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