Dogecoin (pronounced as “dohj koin” or ˈdəʊʒkɔɪn in IPA) is one of the most prominent cryptocurrencies in the world. It was created in late 2013 by Jackson Palmer and Billy Markus as a humorous take on existing cryptocurrencies but it has since become a serious player in the market. Dogecoin has a market capitalization of over $10 billion and has even seen a market capitalization of nearly $90 billion at its peak.

The name Dogecoin is derived from the animated series “Homestar Runner”. In one of the episodes, a character spells out “D-O-G-E” and another character reads it as “dohj” (dəʊʒ). This became the basis for the pronunciation of Dogecoin. Other common mispronunciations of Dogecoin include “doggycoin”, “dogcoin” and “dodgecoin”.

The rise of Dogecoin has been further aided by billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk's opinion that it is his favorite cryptocurrency. This opinion has helped push Dogecoin and its market capitalization to new heights that the creators of Dogecoin never expected when they created it.

Even though Dogecoin has become serious business, it is still seen as a fun and “goofy” cryptocurrency by many. People often buy DOGE for fun and tend to HODL Dogecoin when its value goes up. There have also been several famous philanthropic campaigns that were done with Dogecoin such as the famous Help Out Africa campaign in 2014.

Dogecoin has come a long way since it was created. It has given the crypto world something a bit different than other crypto assets and stands as a reminder that crypto projects don’t need to take themselves too seriously. Jackson Palmer, one of the original creators, has since distanced himself from cryptocurrency while Billy Markus is still quite active on his social media profiles and regularly engages with the crypto community, a testament to Dogecoin’s longevity.

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