A shrewd crypto trader recently managed to pull off a massive return on his investment with Pepe, a meme coin created over a decade ago. The shrewd investor spent 0.125 Ethereum, equating to around $251 at the time of purchase, to acquire 5.9 trillion Pepe tokens. By the end of the three-day period, the savvy investor had seen a return of 4500%, as the initial investment had reached a whopping $1.14 million.

The use of meme coins as an investment has been on the rise recently, although their performance can be fickle and their growth not guaranteed. PEPE is the latest in a number of meme coins to have seen significant growth. BONK, based on the Solana blockchain, impressed early in the year with parabolic returns.

However, beyond the astronomical returns associated with meme coins over short-term stimulation, many question the sustainability of its prospective growth in the longterm. PEPE's growth has already been identified by U.Today as being unsustainable, where other meme coins have already started to have their associated hype dissipate.

Discussions surrounding the supposed trade and astounding sum of returns have been rife on the internet. Most are taking this notion with a pinch of salt, citing it could be the product of a core developer luring in unsuspecting users with a potential rugpull. The lack of liquidity of the Pepe tokens on decentralized exchanges has also been taken into account when debating over its potential fortune.

Despite the wariness of many crypto investors, PEPE is still viewed by some whales and civilians alike as being a potentially successful investment. Whether Pepe will remain in the headlines is yet to be determined, but one thing's for sure – this smart money trader is a clear winner.

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