The Cardano Crocs Club (CCC) is a platform offering a wide range of services and products to the Cardano community. For over two years, it has been utilizing digital technologies to bridge Cardano with other blockchains, as well as welcoming existing web2 and real world brands to the ever-growing web3 audience.

CCC has recently launched the Swamplands Application with the aim of unifying the Cardano NFT experiences and providing a platform for individual web3 entrepreneurs to be able to create their own brands. It has become hugely successful and, with the help of their token $C4, they have managed to gain more than 250 Cardano projects who are now adopted and taking advantage of the tools offered by the Swamplands platform.

$C4 is a real currency that nodes as a medium of exchange and holds its value, being backed by products and services of CCC and its partner projects, such as Codeware Digital. The firm Net Technology LLC has signed an agreement with Codeware to invest money and offer them a complete package of services, including website creation, game creation, minting and NFT art, all accepting $C4 as a form of payment.

The opportunities aren’t just restricted to those in Codeware, as all those holding $C4 tokens can enjoy a great return on investment, with 70% of the profits generated directed back to them, with only a 30% being retained by CCC’s mother company.

2022 saw the launch of staking, $C4, the NFT collections and the poker platform, and this is just the beginning for CCC, as they are paving their way towards becoming a widely used and highly liquid token in Cardano, with current plans stretching to the end of 2024. They have the full support of a large and dedicated community, that is their best, and most effective asset, and will grow more and more as more people get to know about $C4 and its own benefits.

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