Michelle Tandler, venture capitalist (VC) and recipient of a fund from David Sacks, recently drove up the insanity level in San Francisco when she expressed controversial opinions on Twitter, like ‘dogs are getting addicted to meth-laced feces’. For the record, methamphetamines are typically cleared from the body through urine and not by defecation. Her venture Growth Path Labs, which aimed to launch audio courses for professional and personal growth, opened in March 2022, however the company hasn't been able to sustain itself and has consequently shut down. Before this open business, she started another company Life School which taught people one new skill at a time. However, the skillset being taught were quite basic, ranging from how to boil water to how to season salt.

Tandler provoked the public even more on April 9, when she suggested that public hangings could be a solution to cut crime in San Francisco. She backed this claim by citing examples of countries such as India, Egypt and Japan still practising public hangings and claimed that in a similar way, San Francisco could see a reduction in crime levels. However, the proposal was highly condemned and just a week later, her venture, Growth Path Labs had closed down.

Apparently, this hasn't risen to Tandler as a sign to get a job instead as it was the favored option of many on a poll she conducted on Twitter. The comments called for her to get a job and to stop preying on San Francisco. Instead, she decided on using the poll to fuel her dreams of launching a podcast even though she has no idea what it will be about.

Surprisingly, the money awarded to her by VC Sacks when we launched Life School is still unaccounted for. It's unclear what she did with the funds and why the company could not sustain itself. Now with Growth Path Labs also having closed, it seems she has some explaining to do.

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