Cryptocurrency, especially Bitcoin, has become an incredibly resilient asset despite facing innumerable challenges in its 14-year lifespan. Whether it be critics from national banks such as the ECB or Reserve Bank of India, media analysis such as from CNBC, or general bear markets that sent shockwaves through the crypto community, Bitcoin always managed to survive and eventually rise above.

At the time of writing, Bitcoin has experienced 473 apparent “deaths” yet continues to be more popular and accepted than ever. 2017 and 2018 often came with the most dire predictions of Bitcoin’s extinction, with a stunning 124 and 93 obituaries respectively in those years, and yet the digital currency continued to press on and reach incredibly impressive heights.

Bitcoin continues to surprise skeptics, as the asset defies expectations of doom and gloom, continuously showing signs of evolution and growth. The imminent “death” of Bitcoin is one thing Maximalists have been proven wrong about, as the currency seems to possess an outrageous longevity. Trends in Bitcoin’s predicted mortality often correlate with bear and bull markets.

Interestingly enough, 2020 saw the lowest amount of obituaries for Bitcoin at 14 and this number dropped further to 6 in 2021 with the bull market. Something tells us that this is merely foreshadowing of the cryptocurrency’s future.

Critics, media personalities, and investors alike should consider the warning signs and witness Bitcoin’s continued resilience for themselves. At this rate, with 473 “lives” and counting, who’s to say how many more Bitcoin will live to see? While Bitcoin's obituary writers keep writing and predicting the worst, the currency continues to survive and thrive, evolving and adapting to the ever-changing market. Those who’ve believed in the currency have come out on top, and those that don’t should reconsider the possibility that Bitcoin's lifespan is far from over.

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