Ledger and Etana have joined forces to facilitate secure and regulated cryptocurrency custodial services for institutional customers based in the United States. The cooperation is intended to increase investor confidence in the crypto market and provide institutions with access to over 1,800 tokens that are supported by Ledger without needing to maintain their individual private keys. Segregated funds and minimized counterparty threats for customers are yet another feature generated as a result of this partnership.

This partnership emerges at a time when the U.S. have become much more closely aware of the need to adhere to crypto regulations. As of early 2023, the Securities and Exchange Commission has sought out the appropriate legal action such as fines and penalties against many crypto trading and lending companies.

The dynamics of this agreement allows Etana to become active in customer transactions as a settlement party, which absolves the client of financial contribution to either the counterpart or the exchange. This eliminates the risk of funding withdrawals and the trade getting canceled, which oftentimes is referred to as ‘the Hokey Pokey’ in the crypto sphere. According to Brandon Russell, CEO of Etana, this procedure prevents the situation from occurring.

Overall, Ledger and Etana are providing a two-pronged solution that educates investors and enhances the safety of their investments within the cryptocurrency market. With Etana offering the settlement process, clients will now be enabled to explore the wide array of digital assets supported by Ledger without the underlying concern of potential money loss. In this way, the two companies look to promote the successful institution of cryptocurrency assets.

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