The crypto industry has seen quite a resurgence in recent years, with the value of cryptocurrency rising substantially. This has caused many companies to explore the field and is becoming part of everyday usage. On the other hand, AI is being applied more and more in various forms, one such example is ChatGPT, which has seen an astonishing 100 million users registered in a mere two months. With this amazing rate of adoption, there may be a possibility that AI could threaten the crypto industry's future.

AI tools could become commonplace, allowing them to quickly and easily access their intended user base. In comparison, the crypto industry's products may take some time to fully materialize into something usable for those outside the realm of cryptocurrency enthusiasts. Another issue for AI is the emergence of stricter regulations. This could lead to a stifling of new ideas and development, possibly impacting their growth.

A large factor acting on the industry are venture capitalists, who are more likely to invest in AI projects because far larger audiences can use the technology. This could mean the crypto industry missing out on potential venture capital investments. That being said, the crypto industry has existed for much longer than AI and has offered investors potential profits from a young age. AI, on the other hand, is still in its genesis, with investors having to wait for development and returns for some time.

Ultimately, the rise of AI presents both opportunities and threats for the growth of the crypto industry. With careful regulation, investment, and application, more use cases for the technology may arise that benefit both fields. However, the potential concerns about AI's effects on humankind could slow the development and implementation of tech, thus affecting the crypto industry in the process.

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