The story of Tesla and Bitcoin in 2021 has been a roller-coaster ride with both emerging as some of the most profitable assets in the market. While many questioned Tesla's decision to invest in Bitcoin, the crypto's significant contribution to the electric car giant’s finances could not be denied.

At the end of 2021, Tesla reported that its Bitcoin stash was worth $972 million - a considerable return on its initial $1.5 billion investment.

Nevertheless, Tesla’s audacity was met with adversity, as the two assets started to plummet in November. Both crashed over 50% in the succeeding months, with Tesla's stock only recovering part of its initial losses.

During this time, Bitcoin's losses seemed to outpace those of Tesla. Until now. As of February 2021, Tesla's has recovered by 67.56% from the lows and posted an impressive yearly return of 373.14%. On the other hand, Bitcoin boasts 76.41% year-to-date gains and may soon match Tesla's impressive growth.

This has spurred Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough to dub the current situation a "tight race" as both Bitcoin and Tesla are retesting their previous highs.

Tesla and Bitcoin have indeed been on a wild ride ever since the former decided to invest in the latter over a year ago. While their respective market performances may have been impacted by their respective ventures, they remain two of the most profitable assets in the market today.

As the two assets embark on an astonishing comeback, it remains to be seen which of these two brave adventurers will remain standing after the dust has settled. Regardless of the outcome, both Tesla and Bitcoin have proven to be resilient and reliable investments showing steady progress amidst choppy waters.

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