Coinbase’s Base network has now been integrated with OpenZeppelin's Defender smart contract security platform, allowing Web 3 developers on Base to create multi-signature admin contracts, timelocks and automated sentinels that monitor the blockchain. This integration is aimed at providing developers with an array of tools to undertake sensitive administrative tasks, such as contract upgrades, parameter adjustments, and pausing contracts in an event of an emergency.

OpenZeppelin’s CTO, Jonathan Alexander, expressed that the integration will ensure contracts are secure and more extensive than before. Jesse Pollak, the lead of Base, likewise expressed enthusiasm in the announcement by stating that security is key to a thriving onchain environment.

Base is a testnet network built on Ethereum, launched by Coinbase in February 2021, marking their entrance into the Web 3 arena. It is speculated that Base could attract institutional traders as it would feature Masa Finance's identity verification tools.

OpenZeppelin is a renowned blockchain cybersecurity firm well-known for their library of open-source smart contract developments which have been thoroughly adopted by the Ethereum ecosystem. OpenZeppelin's Defender app was so far available on other networks with the exception of Base which was only integrated now.

Developer applications on Base now have the Defender app to implement security mechanisms in order to guard assets from malicious threats. Critical admin tasks, such as freezing accounts during an emergency, can be executed with automation rather than manual intervention. The OpenZeppelin integration will encourage a swift and secure Web 3 environment enabled by Coinbase's Base.

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