Ripple, the Silicon Valley based company, has made tremendous strides in supporting the development of blockchain technology and providing resources to universities and research institutions over the past three years. Through their University Blockchain Research Initiative (UBRI) program, Ripple has funded partnerships with more than 45 universities in 20 countries. Alongside these partnerships, the Initiative has also funded over 1,000 research projects and 345 blockchain focused courses developed or enhanced by the university institutions. On top of financial and technical resources for curricula and research, UBRI was backed off with a $50 million pledge from Ripple when it was first launched back in 2018.

Since then, UBRI has been continuously growing, from launching with 17 universities to now supporting 29 schools, with an addition of 11 international universities in 2019 such as CMU, University of Kansas, National University of Singapore, and Cornell University, among others. Even with the recent lawsuit brought against Ripple by the SEC, the Initiative had a major boost when three universities across three continents got additional support in April 2021. Plus, Ripple’s influence on the academics space have gone far beyond the UBRI initiative, with the company sponsoring the Carnegie Mellon blockchain summit in April 2022 and partnering with the University of Wyoming to introduce the ‘Ripple Blockchain Collaboratory’, which provides funding to research projects across several departments.

Therefore, it’s safe to say that Ripple’s large commitment to the academic scene has made a meaningful contribution to the blockchain and digital assets space, not mentioning their constant works in helping the broader technology advancements and elevating global innovation.

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