Cardano's total value locked (TVL) is continuing to climb, recently reaching highs of 420.26 million ADA. The current value is 411.18 million ADA, and when staking is included, the value rises even higher, to $159.46 million. With this increase, the Cardano community is speculating that it could potentially be the fuel that leads to a bull run. According to Crypto Venture Capital founder Dan Gambardello, the growth in total value locked (TVL) on Cardano will prove to be the most obvious leading indicator of the incoming price increase.

ADA Whale, a Cardano community-focused Twitter account, is also of the belief that a bull run is in the cards for Cardano. They point out that every bull run begins with a narrative, and the last narrative for Cardano related to the Shelley and staking infrastructure. The next narrative, according to Whale, is likely to be about the increasing DeFi TVL reaching $1 billion and beyond. This, they suggest, is likely to start a self-feeding narrative that will, in turn, cause the bull run. However, Whale cautions an expectation that it could happen soon.

In terms of progress, Cardano continues to make firm strides towards the vision it started out with over half a decade ago, focusing on scalability, sustainability and interoperability. Moreover, the Lace light wallet platform was freshly released to the mainnet yesterday, further helping to foster adoption and usability. Undoubably, as development progresses, DeFi TVL is expected to rise, adding more support for the incremental bull run for Cardano.

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