Coinbase, a leading cryptocurrency exchange, has recently unveiled a comprehensive roadmap outlining the steps the company takes to identify and list new assets on its platform. The move is part of the exchange's ongoing strategy to expand its range of tradable assets and to serve as a bridge between retail customers and Web3 technology.

The roadmap seeks to provide information regarding the exchange’s listing procedure, thereby preventing insider trading. This includes technical analysis of a coin's code, evaluation of the team's record, and review of the coin’s market liquidity and trading volume. The company states all this is done to maintain its users’ trust and to ensure fair trading practices.

As a result of its commitment to transparency, Coinbase has announced plans to list two new altcoins, Virtua (TVK) and Dimo (DIMO), in the coming weeks. While the exchange has identified these coins, they are not considered official listings until further announcements are made and some may be removed, depending on various factors.

The news of the official listings has seen some impact on the prices of the two coins, with TVK increasing by 4.5%, and DIMO soaring by 50%. The move is part of a larger strategy by Coinbase to become the leading platform for cryptocurrency trade, with a focus on adding new assets and increasing customer confidence. By introducing this roadmap, Coinbase has proven its dedication towards providing a fair trading environment for all its users.

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