Trader Joe, a decentralized trading platform, recently launched their Liquidity Book V2.1 to provide automated pools with a reduction of up to 40% for gas fees. This book was designed to facilitate the future of AMMs and become the most capital efficient DEX protocol in #DeFi. It will roll out in three phases, starting with the launch of V2.1 pools, Autopools, and Permissionless Pools, followed by the launch of sJOE on Arbitrum and BNB, and ending with Autopool Farms and Limit Orders.

The main components of Liquidity Book V2.1 are Autopools and sJOE. Autopools provide an automated way for users to earn rewards, while sJOE is a token stakers can receive a percentage of fees accrued in their Liquidity Book pools. The protocol will also enable permissionless pools, letting anyone open a pool with fees of just 0.8% for trading. All fees will be automatically claimed and compounded into the active bin the fees were accrued.

Limit Orders, or "set price" orders, will also be available for users, which allows them to deposit tokens into a Liquidity Book pool and withdraw liquidity if the specified price level is met.

Trader Joe is committed to keeping its protocol secure. As a testament to that, the Liquidity Book V2.1 has undergone auditor from Paladin Security, as well as an audit contest program with Immunefi. Since its launch, it has achieved a 15.7% trading volume on Arbitrum, placing third among various protocols.

The ultimate goal of Trader Joe is to become the hub for all things DeFi. With its recent launch of Liquidity Book V2.1 and its varied features, the company is well on its way to achieve that goal.

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