The European Central Bank (ECB) has clarified their stance on the upcoming digital Euro, clarifying that the digital currency issued would not be programmable and will have no limitations on use. Recent statements from the head of the bank suggested that the digital euro would have some sort of control, but the ECB has denied these suggestions in a statement to BeInCrypto. A programmable CBDC would allow for certain limits to be set – control over where, when, and to whom people can pay in digital euro - and this statement effectively rules out the possibility.

The comments from the head of the ECB, Christine Lagarde, suggested a 'limited amount of control' over the currency but this is not the case. By splitting data between the central bank and digital euro distributors, the ECB were able to ensure that they are not able to identify holders or users.

The controversy around programmable CBDCs being an encroachment on personal liberties has stirred up conversation in the cryptocurrency community. Many believe that programmable CBDCs would be used to build systems of surveillance and could surpass legal and ethical limits in the process. Fortunately, the ECB has put these fears to rest with its statement that the digital euro will not be programmable and have no limitations.

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