OpenAI, a company behind ChatGPT, recently announced its Bug Bounty Program, to combat system vulnerabilities and security concerns. This program features incentives for security researchers, ethical hackers, and technology enthusiasts in return for discovering and reporting bugs that threaten OpenAI's technology and its users.

It comes as Japan speaks of incorporating AI technology into government systems, although only if privacy and cybersecurity issues are successfully addressed. OpenAI's security concerns were highlighted with a data breach in March, which exposed users to others due to a software bug in an open-source program.

The company has partnered with Bugcrowd, a bug bounty platform, to manage the submission and reward process which is designed to ensure a smooth experience for participants. Depending on the severity and impact of reports, windfalls range from $200 for low-severity findings to $20,000 for excellent discoveries.

Moreover, Safe Harbor protection is extended to researchers adhering to the guidelines set by OpenAI. Researches are also expected to remain within legal bounds when taking part in the program. OpenAI also commits itself to defend researchers if they are faced with legal issues despite abiding by program rules.

This move by OpenAI reaffirms the importance of cyber and privacy security. AI is becoming increasingly important in our society and many companies and governments have considered incorporating it. OpenAI is showing that it takes these issues seriously and is trying to create a secure system for its users.

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