The XRP community has recently responded to a comment made by former United States federal prosecutor, James K. Filan. Filan had reportedly shared the latest update on the ongoing lawsuit between Ripple and the Securities and Exchange Commission, which referenced the Commission's supplemental letter in further support of its motion for summary judgment.

A member of the XRP community, Anniex, was not able to comprehend the details of the SEC's filings and asked Filan to explain the material in the context of the web-based game Wordle. Unfortunately, Filan's response was a blunt "Sorry. You’re screwed.", which caused many mixed reactions and interpretations among the community members.

Filan attempted to clarify his response, saying that the message was not intended for the whole XRP community, it was only directed at Anniex' Wordle-related comment. Despite the misunderstanding, he still wants the same thing as all of the other XRP and Ripple supporters- for the company to claim a legal victory.

One of Filan's predictions previously revolved around Judge Torres and the SEC lawsuit case. His prediction that a ruling would happen by the end of March 2023 ultimately did not pass, leaving the community disheartened and discouraged.

Although this incident has drawn an immense amount of attention from members within the XRP community, Ripple's legal counsel Stuart Alderoty and Filan have been at the forefront, opposing the SEC with their efforts. Alderoty and Filan have also been vocal in their criticism of the Commission throughout the lawsuit proceedings.

Though this update has been a major setback for XRP supporters and the Ripple team, they keep on pushing forward with their confidence that they will gain a legal victory over the SEC.

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