Yuzo Kano, the co-founder and largest shareholder of the Japan-based crypto exchange BitFlyer, will be returning to the company as its Chief Executive Officer for the second time. This was decided during a shareholders meeting, held on March 30th, 2023, following a long debate over BitFlyer’s ownership. Kano's return comes more than two years after he resigned from the same position in 2019, which was the result of disputes over the company's management, leading to an investigation by the country’s Financial Services Agency (FSA).

Kano aims to lead the company to an Initial Public Offering (IPO) when he takes over the reins, while also bringing BitFlyer to a global level. He plans to introduce stablecoins to the platform and develop a token-issuance operation, while opening “miyabi” blockchain up to the public. He also made it clear that his role would come with a stringent approach to ensure that the job he is been assigned fulfills its purpose and any slip-ups would not be tolerated.

Kano's decision to return to BitFlyer was unanimously accepted during the shareholders meeting, however, the company has yet to officially announce the news. Even though the company declined to comment on the matter, sources familiar with the events have confirmed Kano's return.

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