FTX Europe, the European branch of the now-defunct cryptocurrency exchange, FTX, has created a new website for its customers to withdraw their balances from the platform. Located at https://ftxeurope.eu/, the website is dedicated solely to this purpose, having been approved by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC). Under no circumstances will any services or products be offered through the domain, according to the FTX Europe team.

By logging in, users will be provided with their account balances and the option to withdraw them in fiat currency. In contrast, www.ftx.com/eu remains inaccessible at this time. Understandably, no new customers can be onboarded as the company's license is suspended.

The firm became fully authorized for offering regulated cryptocurrency products in Europe in March 2022, no sooner than to have the CySEC suspend its license a couple of months later for violating regulated markets laws. This was done for the purpose of protecting investors and handling the market properly and FTX EU was given one month to modify itself.

This suspension interim was later prolonged in late December, with the expiration now set on March 2023. FTX EU is in the position to complete any transactions of its own and of its customers, as well as return all existing funds and financial instruments to the respective owners. Check on the company's public profile with CySEC still reveals its license under suspension, with two approved domains: www.ftx.com/eu and https://ftxeurope.eu/.

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