Bitcoin continues to surge in value and public exposure, with a recent example in Frankfurt, Germany. In a remarkable moment in monetary history, a photo taken by Economist and analyst Tuur Demeester in Frankfurt showed the Bitcoin logo projected onto the Seat of the European Central Bank. Underneath the logo was a message of encouragement to viewers to “study Bitcoin”. Over the past 24 hours, the flagship digital currency BTC has risen to briefly reach $29,159 on the Bitstamp exchange - an 8.5 percent surge since Tuesday this week.

Bitcoin's growth has been largely in spite of recent accusations of rule violations by its major exchange operators, such as Binance and Beaxy. The US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) have both recently filed lawsuits over claims of misappropriation of clients' funds. While the crypto sector has grown substantially, its regulation remains an ongoing challenge for governments and authorities seeking to increase consumer protection.

The display of the Bitcoin logo in such a public space marks a major step toward mainstream acceptance of the cryptocurrency. If the display encourages even a small uptick of people to look into Bitcoin, the currency, and the tech supporting it, it could increase mainstream acceptance and catapult it to the next level of relevance.

Regardless of how regulation or acceptance develops from this point forward, it is clear that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are here to stay. The unceasing rise in price and prominence, regardless of legal challenges and oppositions only proves that further.

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