Unstoppable Domains has taken a shift towards allowing users to further enhance their digital identities. The leading web3 domain provider has recently unveiled a new AI- generated profile-picture system that provides users with the opportunity to create a more custom digital identity. This system imitates the well known AI photography app Lensa, in which people are able to upload up to 20 images of themselves to then be used to generate hundreds more realistic profiles by the computer. In addition, users are given the chance to mint the image as a non-fungible token on sidechain Polygon which can then be used as Unstoppable profile pictures on different digital platforms.

With this new feature, Unstoppable seeks to help its users build out their web3 identities by establishing and maintaining their digital presence across multiple platforms, such as Decentralised Applications, metaverses and games. This will give the users a more custom and versatile online presence that allows them to express themselves more widely. Lisa DeLuca, Senior Director of Engineering at Unstoppable, recognised the potential of this innovation and said that it allows people to experiment, be creative and show off a lot about their technical capabilities and identity. In addition to this, Unstoppable also participated in a partnership with Ready Player Me metaverse to supply users with personalised avatars and last week rolled out a new Polygon- based messaging service. These features consolidate the company's mission to provide users with a more solid and personal footing on the web3 platform.

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