Ripple co-founder Chris Larsen, tech mogul Elon Musk and Apple co-creator Steve Wozniak have joined forces and signed an open letter in an attempt to halt artificial intelligence (AI) development by half a year. More than a thousand people have followed the call, demanding a six-month break from creating AI that will surpass the current GPT-4 language processor. This AI technology is the driving force behind OpenAI’s ChatGPT and the search engine Bing.

Musk has recently expressed his disapproval of the advancement of AI and the ChatGPT program, in particular. He noted that the AI was ‘woke’ due to its capability to generate texts that do not insult the reader in any way.

The technology was developed by OpenAI, which Musk financially supported in 2015 as a non-profit. Soon enough, however, OpenAI acquired investments from Microsoft, leading to Musk’s departure. Right now, it’s speculated that Musk is creating a rival company to challenge OpenAI and its ChatGPT.

Due to the fear of the potential massive loss of human jobs in leading economies, the signatories of the open letter took action. Recent statistics say that 2/3 of the jobs in the United States and Europe may be automated, with at least half of their tasks performed by algorithms.

Musk took to Twitter to make a joke towards the issue of the potentially hazardous advancement of AI for job markets, implying that scientists created AI to find out if God exists and the AI responded in the affirmative.

For now it's unclear whether the letter will have any effect on the further development of AI, but it certainly demonstrates the fear of the future that many tech magnates have. To summarize, Chris Larsen and Elon Musk joined forces with Steve Wozniak and are taking a unified stance against AI development in order to protect human jobs. As a result, more than a thousand people joined them and signed the open letter.

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