The cryptocurrency market is set to witness a significant development, as a staggering 141,000 Bitcoin (BTC) options and 1.746 million Ethereum (ETH) options are about to expire. These expirations are expected to significantly influence the market, including price performance and investor sentiment. The Put Call Ratio, a metric used in options trading, currently stands at 0.74 for Bitcoin and 0.33 for Ethereum, which suggests a slightly bullish sentiment among traders. Also, the max pain points, the strike prices at which combined calls and puts options have the minimal value, for Bitcoin and Ethereum are $24,000 and $1,600 respectively. These max pain points could result in market movements due to investors wanting to adjust their positions to minimize any losses. Current prices of Bitcoin and Ethereum show modest gains, as Bitcoin is trading at around $28,613, while Ethereum is trading at $743. These expirations are expected to cause short-term market volatility and fluctuations in the near-term.

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