The Bitman collective recently took their Bitcoin advocacy to the European Central Bank and Eurotower, lighting up their buildings with the Bitcoin logo and words “study bitcoin.” The initiative’s main goal is to encourage citizens to explore and understand the advantages of Bitcoin compared to fiat money.

The spokesperson of the collective stated that many institutions, such as the ECB, discourage Bitcoin and its usage deliberately, making it a priority to provide incorrect information in order to strengthen their position. Thus, the collective is adamant that it is essential to educate oneself and approach the topic with knowledge.

Bitcoin is decentralized, free from restrictions and intermediaries, providing users with financial freedom. In comparison to fiat money, it is a more reliable and secure option of monetary transfer.

The collective hopes the visibility of the Bitcoin logo and its message will make citizens more aware of Bitcoin and its potential. They suggest to access reliable information about the cryptocurrency on “” in order to make an educated decision on what money to use.

The Bitman collective’s attempts to enlighten citizens on the advantages of Bitcoin is seen as a crucial step in the adoption and education of the cryptocurrency - not only in the EU, but across the world. It’s essential to spread knowledge to make the world understand what could be the future of money.

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