The Tezos DLT network has recently achieved a major milestone by activating its Mumbai upgrade. This upgrade unlocks several important features that have added a layer of efficiency, speed, and scalability to the network. The new layer 2 scaling solution called Smart Rollups, allows the network to process more than one million transactions per second (TPS) while preserving its decentralized nature.

Another component of the Mumbai upgrade is the support for leading general-purpose programming languages, such as Rust, C and C++. This has increased the usability of the network significantly, as it opens up new possibilities for developers to unleash the full potential of the network. Furthermore, the block creation time of the network has been reduced from 30 to 15 seconds, providing a much smoother user experience for people using the network.

Currently, the native XTZ token that is used in the Tezos network is trading at $1.12 with a 24-hour market volume of $34,046,770. Although a huge drop from its all-time-high of $9.12 in October 2021, this has not impeded the Tezos network from pursuing its goals.

The Mumbai upgrade is just one step towards the team's vision of making Tezos a world-leading DLT network. To this end, the team has announced plans to launch smart contracts on the network, which would allow users to make use of certain features such as transferring money and property. Moreover, the team is also in the process of releasing its own dApp layer to make the network more attractive to developers.

In conclusion, Tezos’ Mumbai upgrade has completely changed the field of DTl by providing speed, scalability, and efficient use of the underlying blockchain technology. It is clear that the team behind Tezos has put in a lot of effort to make their network a true DLT powerhouse and if their upcoming plans prove to be successful, it is only a matter of time before we see this network take off and become the next big use case for DLT technology.

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