Recently, news broke out that the Bitcoin whitepaper had been spotted in the operational systems of Mac computers, which has caused crypto enthusiast Lark Davis to speculate that Steve Jobs, the late Apple founder and CEO, could be none other than the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin. Davis started a poll, asking followers to choose between “yes”, “no”, and “it doesn’t matter”, and so far the results indicate the majority of respondents do not believe Jobs was the founder of the world’s leading cryptocurrency. In response to these speculations, the crypto community reacted with humor and voices who tend to agree that the Apple founder was likely not the inventor of Bitcoin.

Steve Wozniak, the other Apple founder, is known to support Bitcoin and many have suggested he, rather than Jobs, could be the inventor. Binance CZ offered an amusing joke by suggesting to search the Bitcoin whitepaper in Windows and Linux, as if to imply Steve Jobs and Bill Gates could have created it together in a shabby garage somewhere.

David Gokhshtein, the founder of Gokhshtein Media, adds that while he is conducting research, he still believes the original creator of Bitcoin is probably Hal Finney, an American IT engineer who was the first one to receive a transaction from Satoshi Nakamoto. Finney passed away in 2014 from complications caused by Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

Overall, Jobs’ name has been associated with an array of technological revolutions and he could potentially have been part of one more, yet it is more likely the tech genius was not actually Satoshi Nakamoto after all. Despite the theories, the Anonymous creator of Bitcoin still remains a mystery, prompting internet users to keep researching, speculating, and dreaming of the day when the creator’s identity will be revealed.

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