Craig Wright, the self-proclaimed Satoshi, accused Apple of breaching copyright by including the Bitcoin white paper in its macOS systems. Despite several social media users trying to urge Wright to sue the tech giant, it may be far too counterproductive and difficult considering Apple's resources and legal expertise. The discovery was first made by tech blogger Andy Baio who noticed that the white paper has been covertly included in macOS since the Mojave version back in 2018.

Wright’s reputation precedes him; his creative approach of asserting intellectual property rights over Bitcoin and its associated technologies is often referred to as patent trolling. This involves submitting numerous patents related to Bitcoin, as well as blockchain technology, to have legal control over their development and application. Patent trolling is when an individual or company acquires or files patents and does not intend to actually use it or market the technology, instead, they aim to assert their IP rights against rival companies. This way, the patent trader can demand licensing fees, royalties, and potentially engage in costly legal battles.

The Cryptocurrency Open Patent Alliance (COPA) was established as a form of protection for crypto companies from patent trolling. The alliance includes members such as Coinbase and Kraken. Together, they seek to prevent patent trolling and protect crypto-related businesses.

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