The upcoming Ethereum Shapella upgrade is expected to bring a lot of exciting new features and bonuses to the Ethereum community. Public sentiment is already very high with a majority of Ethereum users surveyed expecting more ETH to be staked in the next few months. This could drive the price of ETH up, with many expecting it to take larger strides than during the Aug 2020 Merge. Already, digital asset companies have been preparing for these opportunities, such as Bybit launching an optimized Web3 Staking Pool, and ConsenSys launching the first institutional cryptocurrency staking marketplace. Ethereum staking already amounts to over 17.9 million ETH and could reach an all-time high with the upgrade coming in on April 12. CoinMarketcap shows a positive trend for the past week, with the price of ETH rising from approximately $1800 to over $1800 dollars as of April 7. While it remains to be seen what effect the Shapella upgrade will have on the price of ETH, many are expecting the price to break its $5000 mark by the end of the year. And with enthusiasm for improvements and a major update coming in the near future, ETH could well make a mark on the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency.

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