The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has announced plans to invest $80 billion in the improvement of their workforce and technology during the next two years in order to better enforce taxation laws. 8,782 additional staff will be hired to enhance their audit capability and utilize new data analytics as part of this effort. Furthermore, a total of 13,883 customer service personnel will also be hired in order to improve customer service and to ensure that taxpayers are able to receive the necessary help to meet their obligations.

As part of the new investment, modern computer techniques and technologies will be implemented in order to enhance the agency's infrastructure and equipment. This includes replacing outdated features and ensuring that its infrastructure remains secure and up to date with the ever-evolving world of technology. US Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo has also declared that revenues agents and tax lawyers will be given the opportunity to use new data analytics, which will help them to better determine who may need to be audited.

This latest move by the IRS will be beneficial for both sides in regards to taxation law enforcement. By better understanding data analytics and employing enough personnel, the IRS will be able to more accurately and efficiently determine who should be audited or not. At the same time, taxpayers will be provided with enough customer service personnel to receive the help and assistance they need to comply with their tax-related obligations.

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