RabbitHole has recently introduced ETH Earned, an on-chain reputation system that rewards users for their network participation. This system offers points according to the level of quests a user completes, these points are visible at their account's Rewards Page. The great thing about ETH Earned is that it eliminates the need to worry about token price fluctuations and every participant will earn the same amount.

ETH Earned offers multiple purposes, from building reputation in the crypto ecosystem to making on-chain contributions a priority. It works as a benchmark for rewarding users for their participation, through which RabbitHole is seeking to make sure that a sustainable crypto network is achieved by securing an equitable token distribution.

It is worth noting that a high ETH Earned score will help users access exclusive RabbitHole events as well as scoring a chance at taking beta testing of upcoming products. It also provides users with special access to materials and exclusive promotional deals. This performance-based evaluation system encourages users to be involved and make their mark in the crypto world.

Overall, RabbitHole's vision of bettering the crypto world is commendable and ETH Earned is a promising start to incentivize users. It shows that RabbitHole is going beyond investing, towards creating a strong network with reinforcing feedback for active participants.

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