Cardano is rapidly gaining traction in the crypto market with several dApps and developers building on their platform. The most notable of their developments being Liqwid Finance, a decentralized lending and borrowing protocol for Cardano (ADA). In a positive milestone for the team, it was recently announced that Liqwid has integrated Charli3, the first ever oracle service on the blockchain.

Oracles are services that connect blockchain-based smart contracts to real-world data. In the case of Charli3, the service provides blockchains access to a suite of reliable price feeds, enabling Liqwid Finance to offer pivotal support for SHEN/USD and ADA/USD pairs. With these price feeds, Liqwid users can gain access to reliable settlement technology and prices, creating new loans, updating collateral values, and liquidating undercollateralised loans with minimal worrying about over or underpayment. Charlie3 Co-founder Damon Zwarich expressed his enthusiasm for the newly struck partnership between both entities, with "professional" integration work going on between both teams.

In the present climate of decentralised finance, reliable data is an imperative piece of the puzzle to ensure maximum efficiency and integrity in financial products built on blockchains. One of the most worrying concerns in traditional finance centres around data manipulation. This is where the decentralised world shines through and provides an ideal platform more difficult to manipulate and attack from outside sources. The integration of Charli3 is thus a great boon to the Cardano blockchain, reducing the risk of vulnerability and utmost trust in the network.

The integration of Charli3 Oracle Service onto the Cardano blockchain is a positive development, one that could open the door in the future for further expansion in the crypto world. Liqwid Finance said that their decision to integrate Charli3 was due to its commitment to providing reliable price data compared to the risks associated with Centralized Oracles, which are subject to manipulation. The integration of Charli3 into the Liqwid Protocol is a great advancement to the security of the Cardano blockchain and its products and provides assurance of great financial management when it comes to lending and borrowing. Charli3 co-founder also expressed his enthusiasm for the partnership, expecting much more contemporary developments in the future. Decentralised Oracles are expected to become more popular and integral to the blockchain space in the near future, providing a secure platform for many crypto projects looking to expand their blockchain capabilities and become mainstream.

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