A new report published by Swedish crypto tax firm Divly has revealed that in 2022, only 0.53% of crypto investors globally paid taxes on their crypto, representing a shockingly low figure. To calculate this, Divly studied the relationship between, the number of crypto holders in each country and crypto tax searches, using Statista's Global Cryptocurrency Report. While some, such as Finland with 4.09% and Australia with 3.65%, have higher percentages of crypto tax-payers, others such as India and Philippines are much lower with numbers of just 0.07% and 0.03% respectively.

The report's methodology has been met with some skepticism, however, due to doubts around its accuracy. Suggestions had been made that search volume data may not necessarily provide an accurate reflection of the actual number of crypto taxpayers, and that the number of overall searches may not be consistent regardless of country. Additionally, those with greater internet access may be more likely to perform such searches, although this wasn't accounted for in the report.

Tax experts have also suggested that it can be difficult to avoid paying crypto taxes due to government data matching and surveillance systems now more widely in place. While not everyone is aware of their crypto tax obligations, the number is decreasing and many who try to avoid them risk discovering this in the future.

As such, the report's findings should be taken with a pinch of salt. The ease with which some countries are able to access data and the possibility of the figures being based on biased assumptions make it difficult to accept their estimates as true. However, they do serve as an indication that the number of people paying their crypto taxes may not be as high as assumed.

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