Bitcoin has demonstrated remarkable resilience in navigating the recently turbulent financial markets. Despite being caught amidst the recent wave of financial instability, the cryptocurrency surged while traditional financing sources experienced significant decreases. This has reflected a shift in sentiment regarding the commodity as investors have placed increased value on its decentralized and distributed nodes of miners and users, providing further evidence of Bitcoin's security.

Bloomberg Intelligence further notes that this resilience has been enabled by aggressive regulatory maneuvering, which has enabled Bitcoin and its users to largely skirt the effects of more restrictive policies in the United States. This has consequently allowed for the emergence of alternate locations to conduct crypto-based business and has better positioned the network for more rapid expansion.

The latest indication of this resilience is apparent in the unprecedented surge in the cryptocurrency's hashrate. Reaching a record high of 320 EH/s at the end of February, the hashrate has nearly doubled within the past year and seemingly continues to expand. Such a rise is indicative of both increased adoption of Bitcoin and enhanced intrinsic value placed on the asset class.

Furthermore, the network's hashrate surge appears to have accelerated in spite of the impact that the COVID-19 induced bear market had on Bitcoin. This is just another illustration of the network's mettle during an unprecedented period of uncertainty and financial volatility.

In assessment of the data, Bloomberg Intelligence surmises that Bitcoin has passed its first major liquidity stress event and is better set to become a reserve asset in the global financial system. Even amidst trying times, Bitcoin has demonstrated remarkable security and should be better positioned to weather future market downturns.

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