A recent survey conducted by CoinGecko in tandem with Blockchain Research Labs revealed that the majority of Non Fungible Token (NFT) holders are enthusiasts, owning at least fifty one of the digital tokens. Of the 438 people surveyed, 26.5% held forty five or more, 17.6% held two to five NFTs, and the smallest owning group only had one with them.

The survey also found that the majority of new NFT collectors, about thirty eight point eight percent of them, acquired their first digital token in 2021 when the crypto market was doing exceptionally well. This is unsurprising when you consider that NFT prices have been rising throughout 2021 for many creators.

It is thought that the interest in NFTs might increase in 2023. This is because there is a large amount of new tokens being created, such as Bitcoin Ordinals, Stamps, and Blur overtaking OpenSea to become the top NFT marketplace. In addition, OpenSea's advancements in the NFT market place have raised mixed reactions but show great potential for further innovation.

NFTs are popular because they are powerful tools to represent digital ownership. They are driving change and creativity in a lot of different ways, sparking what we might call a digital renaissance. Whether this will stay solely in the digital realm or spread to physical and the analog world remains to be seen. As the NFT industry is still in its infancy, and this field is advancing quickly, it is only a matter of time to find out.

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