The survey also revealed that the majority of respondents were optimistic despite the potential risks that NFTs posed. Out of the participants, 61% believed NFTs do more good than harm, while 39% thought that the reverse was true. Moreover, 25% of the survey participants reported that they were indifferent to the potential risks.

NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, have recently become an extremely popular means of investment, and have grown in popularity among investors all over the world. CoinGecko's survey of 438 participants conducted between December 2021 and January 2022 sheds some light on the investors’ opinions and the composition of their NFT portfolios. The group mostly owned between two to five NFTs, with a quarter owning more than 50 tokens. The findings also disclosed that while only 18.7% strongly desired more regulatory scrutiny in the NFT marketplace, 39% thought that the potential risks of such investments outweighed their potential rewards. Nonetheless, 61% still held a positive sentiment about NFTs, and 25% were indifferent to the potential risks associated with them. Overall, the survey confirms that the NFT market is still in its early stages, and more debate and discussion are needed in order to develop a common consensus on how to move ahead in the sector.

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