Tenet Blockchain, the newest layer-1 blockchain protocol and creator of Liquid Staking Derivatives (LSD) protocols, is launching its testnet, allowing developers to interact with the protocol. Standing out among thousands of other blockchain protocols, Tenet seeks to enhance the opportunities surrounding LSD pools by providing users with the ability to re-stake their assets and furthermore participate in its DeFi ecosystem. To accomplish this, it is secured by the Diversified Proof of Stake (DiPoS), making the staking process simplified by allowing users to stake in the native tokens of supported blockchains, such as Ethereum (ETH), Binance Coin (BNB), Cosmos (ATOM), Solana (SOL) and Polygon (MATIC).

Not only is the Tenet protocol geared to making staking more accessible and secure, but it also provides users with the opportunity to mint a Universal Stablecoin interest free. This stablecoin offers a yield on future LSD yields on the Tenet protocol, allowing for asset preservation using the combined security of each underlying chains. Furthermore, Tenet token holders benefit from having the ability to convert their rewards to any of the liquidity pools they choose.

Led by former executives from Ankr and Blockdaemon, Greg Gopman and Dan Peterson respectively, Tenet was created to tackle the core challenges experienced by existing L1 networks. Gopman expands on that stating “At Ankr, we helped bring Liquid Staking Tokens to eight Blockchains and built out some of the best LSD infrastructure in the industry, but no one used it. Tenet was really a golden opportunity for being first to market in utilizing best-in-class technology with almost $20B in untapped liquidity.”

Tenet understands the growing demand for Liquid Staking Derivative pools as last year it saw a parabolic growth that even surpassed DEXs Total Value Locked (LSDs). To propel further growth of the Tenet protocol, the team is unveiling a grants program and a hackathon to incentivize developers to build on the network. By improving the current infrastructure and creating innovative solutions tailored for the LSD world, Tenet will be able to successfully establish a market for its biggest value proposition – the minting of a Universal Stablecoin interest free.

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